How To Replace Cooling Tower Packing?

Follow these steps to fully replace the cooling tower packing.
Step 1: Before construction, equipment needs to be protected by necessary isolation and tagging, so make sure you have done this. Then lay waterproof construction cloth on the floor.
Step 2: Remove the old support grid
Step 3: Remove the old filling too
Step 4: Install the support grille from the bottom up
Step 5: Install the filler along the support grid from the inside out and from the bottom up.
Proper filling is essential when installing a new cooling tower, as incorrect installation can result in fill damage and inefficiency of the cooling tower. Follow the steps below for a quick and effective cooling tower water injection installation.
Preparations before installation.
For safe installation, please turn off the motor power.
Take appropriate protective measures for other equipment, including isolation and lining.
As mentioned previously, lay a waterproof construction sheet on the ground.
Install Cooling Tower Fill
Installation Method
There are two main ways to place cooling tower packing, they are:
During the installation of suspended fill, verify and ensure the parameters of the cooling tower fill, including hole spacing, hole size, and distance from the upper edge to the center of the hole. If parameters are incorrect, installation errors may occur.
Then, hang the cooling tower filling bag on the steel pipe of the cooling tower.
Supported grid types
The cooling tower panels are bonded into blocks of specified dimensions at the construction site. Simultaneous bonding ensures even pressure on the filler sheet and allows adequate curing time. Another thing you must be sure of during installation is that the filler contact points must be on the same level and have the same bonding space. Next, clean the inside of the cooling tower of dust and debris and then install the support grid. After installing the support grid, install the cooling tower fill.
There are two main ways to place cooling tower packing, they are:
Cooling Tower Filling Deposit Removal
Cooling towers are huge air purifiers. Dirt, pollen and various debris quickly accumulate in cooling towers, providing a suitable breeding ground for bacteria such as Legionella. In addition, lime, scale and other mineral deposits often form on the tower packing due to the natural evaporation of the tower.
Cooling tower packing plays a vital role in heat transfer. It also helps stop the growth of deadly bacteria. Biological deposits, scale and minerals on cooling tower fill can quickly become a breeding ground for harmful bacteria that cause Legionella.
Limescale deposits form unsightly buildups in the fill, providing extra surface area for bacterial growth. Even the most stringent water treatments sometimes struggle to control bacteria and scale. This is why regular maintenance to remove mineral and biological deposits from cooling tower surfaces is critical.
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